
Give a helping hand for needy children

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Make Your Mark. Become a Volunteer!

What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.

— Aristotle

Youth and Child Support Network- Uganda (YCSN-U) has volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, groups, and teams from, organizations, schools,  churches, and companies, to volunteer in a short-term or long-term volunteer programs in orphanages, children homes, youth and community programs and projects in Uganda. 

Volunteer placements can be short-term (2 weeks – 6 months) or long-term (7 months-3 years), but can even be longer, depending on the volunteer’s time frame, and are organized throughout the year. Placements are in orphanages in Kampala city, and projects include working in Orphanages and children’s homes, schools, local hospitals,  and community projects. 

During this period, volunteers help with caring for the children at the orphanages, teach at orphan schools, help with building projects, organize out-of-school kids programs, hold community outreach medical clinics, and conduct counseling sessions with children, youth and women affected by or infected with HIV/AIDS.

We always need more volunteers to help in our programs and youth community projects in Uganda. Not only is it a great chance to give something back, but it is an opportunity to learn more about the country and how people live in Uganda, challenges orphaned children go through and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of these children.  It’s a welcoming atmosphere over here with lots of people of all ages donating their time and skills to help do something really worthwhile! You don’t need any experience or special skills – just love and passion to help, a good attitude and lots of energy!  Send us an email at: info@ycsnug.org and tell us what your interest are, the possible dates and time period you are looking at, and whether you are a group, family or just an individual.    

Some of the Volunteers at YCSN -Uganda

Please consider supporting a needy child through Youth and Child Support Network-Uganda Project

Youth and Child Support Network-Uganda welcomes all calibers of volunteers:
  • Missions teams: church groups, music groups, youth groups, outreach teams.
  • Medical teams: doctors, dentists, nurses, paramedics, medical students
  • Social workers/counselors, school teachers School, college and university students/groups
  • Sports groups, sports coaches
  • Computer ICT teachers, programmers, web & multimedia developers
  • Videography and Photography personnel
  • College & university students
  • Corporate groups: accountants, fundraisers & support development personnel
  • Families Individuals