Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Water that is both clean and safe is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Our community-based model, which has been refined and expanded over time, allows us to collaborate on long-term water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions that lead to improved health and long-term change.

  • More than 24 million people lack access to basic drinking water services in Uganda that’s over 3 in every 5 people.
  • 29 million people lack access to improved sanitation that’s 8 in every 10 people
  • Over 4,500 children under 5 die a year from diarrheal diseases attributed to contaminated water, poor sanitation and unsafe hygiene practices
  • Poor Menstrual Hygiene Management in schools contributes to a 10% drop out of girls.