Our approach is simple; We connect a child in need to with someone who is willing to help. This creates a strong relationship between the child and the sponsor. Sponsors are free to communicate with beneficiaries through letters and pictures. They are further allowed to make visits as a means of capturing the impact of child sponsorship. Keeping in touch with a child under sponsorship makes them feel loved and keep their hope for the future up. We request you to chose a child to sponsor today with us.

Youth and Child Support Network- Uganda (YCSN-UG) care for orphans vulnerable children and disadvantaged youth and their communities in Uganda.  YCSN-U depends entirely on the generous donations and support from individual, families groups, organizations, foundations, volunteers, friends and well-wishers from all over the world. We are grateful for your support. Your gift in any amount is highly appreciated!

YCSN-U is seeking individuals, families, churches, organizations, companies, friends and well-wishers from all over the world to consider sponsoring orphans and vulnerable children with a financial donation of $1 a day or $30 per month.

For $1 a day, ($30 per month), you can become a child sponsor with YCSN-U in Uganda, and help give a  needy child a good education, shelter, food and nutrition,  health care and a bright future ahead of him or her. We are asking you to consider supporting YCSN-U efforts to improve the lives and prospects of orphans and vulnerable children with financial and/or material sponsorship or both.  Please consider supporting YCSN-U’s child sponsorship and support program in Uganda.

Other ways you can offer help

  • Sponsor a shipment of donated materials to Uganda.
  • Mobilize your community: family, friends, relatives and co-workers to support YCNS-U
  • Volunteer your time, skills and talents in a short-term or Longer-term volunteer program in Uganda.
  • Donate in-kind resources: children’s clothing, shoes, bedding, blankets, bed sheets, school supplies, health & hygiene kits, mosquito nets, Computer equipment.
  • Donate a Vehicle: van, bus, pickup truck, motorbike, etc., to help provide transportation for the children in Uganda.
  • Sponsor a project. Sponsor computer skills training program.
  • Collect and ship in-kind donations (clothing, shoes, computer equipment, and sports equipment.
  • Support annual child Christmas gift program in Uganda.