We are providing the blueprint for sustainable alternatives to orphanages: truly social services run by and for communities to strengthen families.


Orphanages are separating families, fracturing communities, and ultimately harming children. Orphanages are standing in the way of a thriving society yet they are still being set-up and run, in spite of the huge cost to children’s wellbeing and Uganda as a whole. We know change is hard and scary. There are too many orphanages and too few alternatives. They can feel necessary, and seem like the ‘obvious’ solution, when families are in need.


YCSN is providing a blueprint for sustainable alternatives to orphanages: truly social services run by and for communities to strengthen families and support them to raise their children, as well as finding new foster and adoptive families for those who need them. We are highlighting the ways in which orphanages cause harm and prove how unnecessary they are, even those that try their best to provide caring environments. We learned the hard way that there’s no such thing as a good orphanage so we’re uniquely placed to help others reimagine the way they care, repurpose the orphanages that exist and rebuild community approaches to supporting families and children.